
This modul contains more advanced PDK items for JSON, YAML and Python files

class mosaic_orchestrator.pdk_items.DictPdkItem(version: str, name: str, data: dict = <factory>)[source]

A PDK item representing a JSON file. Expects to have a “path” field containing a valid filepath.


the loaded json

data: dict
class mosaic_orchestrator.pdk_items.JSONPdkItem(version: str, name: str, path: Optional[str] = None)[source]

A PDK item representing a JSON file. Expects to have a “path” field containing a valid filepath.


the loaded json

name: str
version: str
class mosaic_orchestrator.pdk_items.XMLPdkItem(version: str, name: str, path: Optional[str] = None)[source]

A PDK item representing a XML file. Expects to have a “path” field containing a valid filepath.


the loaded xml root


the loaded xml tree

name: str
version: str
class mosaic_orchestrator.pdk_items.YAMLPdkItem(version: str, name: str, path: Optional[str] = None)[source]

A PDK item representing a YAML file. Expects to have a “path” field containing a valid filepath.


the loaded yaml

name: str
version: str